Thank you Monica for this in depth explanation of the events leading to the provocation at Fort Sumter. The explanations taught to me in public schools for the start of the war at Fort Sumter didn't make any sense to me, and started me down the path to find the truth.

I love this quote:

“What passes as standard American history is really Yankee history written by New Englanders or their puppets to glorify Yankee heroes and ideals.” ~D. Grady McWhiney

I toured Fort Pickens a few years back, it's a massive complex. The National Park Service openly admits it was built with slave labor. It seems the federal government had no problem using slave labor when it was to their benefit. Such hypocrisy!

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We were all taught the South fired first, but no one knows the back story. I'm glad this answered your question to why they did. Thank you, Rooster for restacking! It's always an honor when someone thinks a publication is good enough to share!

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